If the name of Annuals sounds any familiar to you it might be cuz some years ago they used to be signed on some major but as these times the companies just except everything (not satisfied with just something), they returned to their roots and so it happened that mastermind Adam Baker chooses not only for a small label (Banter) but he also produced it himself.
“Sweet Sister” is a fivetrack EP that shows the enormous potential of this band.
Whereas much of their indiefolkcollegues happen to come up with albums that features 10 same tracks, Annuals make something else from each track.
“Howler and howl” is like some carnavelesque indiefolkthing (sounds stupid on paper but in reality it works) whereas “Loxtep” can be best compared to the best of what once Granddaddy used to make , while “Flesh and blood” is a heartbreaking nu-country song.
If Annuals should have been signed on Bella Union (we have nothing against your mighty label, Simon) it would have been hyped but now you have to search it at the bottom of the sea of pop, but hey “Sweet Sister” is hanging on your hook!
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