Am I f***’ mad? I guess I am but I wanna be f*** honest too so I decided to f*** up all my credibility (if I should ever have one) and start a new section about “albums that kill me but which are considered to be crap”.
Let’s kick off with “Besoin” by Stephanie.
Mind you, I am sure she could never sing and that this great princess was just in the right company of some producers who might have thought “wow, we have a princess who is willing to make some music”.
When writing this it makes you wonder why they never could convince Lady Di doing this, and let’s thank God producers stayed out of our Belgian Royal House!
Serious musiclovers (I’m not serious as I reject being serious) will laugh their ass off seeing me glorifying the music of madame Stephanie (and yes, as a teen I wasn’t only in her music) but in 2010 I still think “Besoin” is one of the nicest popalbums ever.
It was somewhere overruled by her lovelife as in these days everybody wanted to be on her side but in the end she was just another princess missing a real fairy tale in her life.
To gain some extra money (in that time such things were possible) they decided to come up with a French and an English version.
It’s cheesy French pop that has the spirit of typical French 80’s pop that was overruled by one Mr Serge Gainsbourg and that type of music was perfect for its time even if it was the kind of music that was glorified by people who were wearing LaCoste or Millet-jackets but I guess these guys won’t cry in 2010 on tracks like “Fleurs Du Mal”, I will and maybe Stephanie too.
“Flash” and “Ouragan” still are one of the greatest 80’s popsingles ever (so check out You Tube).
could you upload the album, please?